Car News
Ford Eyes New SUV Production In Valencia, Spain

It appears that Ford may be producing a new SUV at its Valencia, Spain, facility. Even though there isn't a ton of information available, this model may be brand new and include a hybrid engine. W

Robotaxi Reality Check: Hype Crashes in San Francisco's Chaotic Streets

Ugh, remember when the hype about robotaxis was INSANE? Like, this was supposed to be the next big thing, right? Well, guess what? It's all kinda crashing and burning (sometimes literally). San

Toronto's Unconventional Advice on Rising Car Thefts: Just Hand Over the Keys?

Car crime is bad everywhere, but some cities are just losing it. Toronto is up nearly 150% in the past few years, and the cops have a brilliant new plan: just give thieves your car. One officer lit

Electric Vehicle Boom in the U.S.: A Record-Breaking Million EVs Sold

Okay, so last year was BIG for electric cars in the U.S. – over one million sold! That's a record. Electric cars (EVs) are now taking up a way bigger chunk of the new car market than they us

Cruise Striving To Regain Trust Following Autonomous Vehicle Incident

Following a devastating San Francisco accident involving its autonomous car, Cruise has taken a step back to address regulatory concerns and win back public confidence by admitting leadership blunders

Daylighting: A Simple Street Solution with Big Safety Benefits

In the ongoing battle for safer streets, a straightforward yet effective tactic is gaining traction in urban planning: daylighting. This approach, which enhances visibility at intersections, has been

Revving Through Pixels: The Best Car-Themed Video Games of All Time

Ah, the world of car-themed video games - it’s not just about hitting the top speed or crossing the finish line before others, it’s about the tale each game unfolds, each race tells, and e

Why We Love Convertibles: A Deep Dive Into Our Open-Air Obsession

Man, oh man! If there's something we can all agree on, it's that convertibles are just outright cool. You know what we're talking about—those tops-down summer drives with the wind in

Hold Onto Your Helmets! Amazing Car Stunts You Won't Believe Are Real

How many times have we seen movie car stunts and thought, "Nah, that can't be real"? But guess what? Some of these stunts aren't just the magic of CGI; they're jaw-dropping, hear

Rolling with the Stars: The Most Iconic Movie Cars of All Time

Let's face it, folks, some movie cars are as legendary as the characters that drive them. Heck, they often steal the show! We're so revved up about these four-wheeled co-stars that we've p

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